Hindman Funeral Homes, Inc. Logo
146 Chandler Ave
Johnstown, PA 15906

William T. Hindman, Supv.

Local: (814) 536-1770
Toll Free: 877-549-7514
Fax: (814) 532-5383

Email: info@hindmanfuneralhomes.com

Hindman Funeral Homes & Crematory, Inc. has a long history of personalized, professional, and compassionate service dating back to 1956. William T. Hindman, along with his wife Dorothy, founded the William T. Hindman Funeral Home at 146 Chandler Avenue in the west end of Johnstown, where it is still located today. From humble beginnings, the business was founded on integrity, caring, compassionate, and unparalleled service that we still consider our hallmark today.

Contact Us Today

Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

146 Chandler Ave | Johnstown, PA 15906
Phone: (814) 536-1770 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
William T. Hindman, Supv.

Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

1521 Frankstown Rd | Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone: (814) 535-4018 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
William T. Hindman III, Supv.

Easly-Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

333 Beaver St | Hastings, PA 16646
Phone: (814) 247-6544 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
Courtney L. Meyer, Supv.

Moskal-Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

146 Chandler Avenue| Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone: (814) 536-1212 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
Frank Barta, Supv.

Contact Information
Hindman Funeral Homes & Crematory, Inc.