Funeral homes Johnstown, PA, are a topic most people tend to avoid discussing at all costs until they have to arrange one. For many of us, the funeral scenes from Hollywood movies or seasons shape what we think about them – and it is bound to engender a myriad of misconceptions about them.
So, if you ever have to plan a funeral service, here are some of the myths that we’re going to discuss to set the record straight.
Embalming is NOT Mandatory
Contrary to what many people believe, embalming is not required by law in every case. The bereaved family is supposed to embalm the body only if there’s sufficient time between death and final disposition – especially if it’s more than two days.
Usually, people skip embalming during direct cremation and even if you have to delay the services, refrigeration is usually an acceptable alternative.
Funerals Can Be Affordable
Yes, the cost of a funeral is ever-changing with burial funerals often being more expensive than cremation. But you can save money if choices are made. Instead of immediately buying the “whole packages”, shop for products or services that you need.
Even if your budget is low, you can create a meaningful and memorable service by carefully evaluating your options and avoiding extravagance in buying services.
Preplanning Doesn’t Mean Paying In Advance
As the trend of preplanning a funeral service gains momentum, so do the misconceptions about it. People still believe that preplanning a service means paying the money upfront.
It’s true that paying for your own funeral in advance is a viable option to take a potential financial burden off of your family and possibly save money. This is an option that many people choose. However, it’s not written in stone and a person can simply jot down their final wishes and let the family members know about them.
Funerals Can Help Your Grief
This statement is absolutely true. It’s natural to experience a rollercoaster of emotions while arranging the final services of the deceased, knowing the loved one will never come back, but in the long term, it can serve as a door to healing quickly and returning to normal life.
You get all the support and empathy from the loved ones and the community in general which expedite the healing process and ultimately brings you closer to closure.
You Can Still Be Buried If You Want a Cremation Service
Just because a loved one wanted to be cremated doesn’t mean that the family can’t have a funeral service for them. Burials and cremation aren’t altogether exclusive and you can still have a meaningful burial after cremation.
Many families choose to arrange a visitation service before cremation and a meaningful memorial or burial service after the cremation has occurred. With the latter option, you don’t have to rush for the service and rather can wait for weeks to even months after losing the loved one. When you find a funeral homes Johnstown, PA, this can be explained further.