COVID-19 has brought unprecedented changes to funeral homes Westmont, PA, that we couldn’t have thought of in our wildest dreams. During such times, it has become even more difficult to pay final tributes to our lost loved ones – given prevalent confusion and misunderstanding associated with the novel coronavirus.

That’s why we are here to answer some FAQs by our readers pertaining to the funeral industry and how can you pay one final send-off to the deceased.

Let’s do that!

Can I Hold Funerals During the COVID-19?

Yes, you can arrange a funeral service but you have to follow the government’s social distancing restrictions. Funeral homes are open to provide funeral services to the people. No concrete evidence is available to ascertain that COVID-19 can be transmitted from the dead body, but the risk of getting it from the guests remain high. So, social distancing measures are a must.

How Many Guests Should I Invite?

The number of guests you should invite depends on the size of the funeral home. The rules may vary from State to State but in general, 30-50 guests can attend a funeral service as long as they can ensure 6-foot mandatory social distancing.

And, you can only attend a funeral if you’re invited.

What to Do If I have COVID-19 Symptoms?

If you or anyone else is having even the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, then refrain from attending a funeral – or any public event for that matter. You need to follow the self-quarantine guidelines of the government to protect your near and dear ones from contracting this deadly virus.

However, you can attend funeral services via online channels.

How Can I View a Funeral Service Online?

Thanks to modern technology and smart apps, you can view live funeral services through a myriad of online channels. Some of them include live streaming on zoom, webcasting, Facebook, and so on. You can stream a funeral live directly through your mobile camera and assist the friends and family to watch it online – and pay their tribute.

Where Should I Hold the funeral?

Even though the governments around the world are easing the corona restrictions, still there have been many closures. Many small funeral homes having limited capacity have closed their services while others have put restrictions on the number of attendees.

At present, it is recommended to hold funeral services in open places or in the funeral home with ample space to enforce a 6-foot mandatory social distancing.
Funeral homes Richland, PA

Government’s Guidelines for Individuals

Regardless of the state, you’re a resident of, you have to follow the federal government’s guidelines on PPE while attending a funeral. You’re bound to wear a face mask, avoid contacting or hugging with the guests, keep a mini sanitizer spray in your pocket, and refrain from touching the deceased’s body – even though no concrete evidence of COVID-19 transmission from the dead body is found yet.

Similarly, too old and young children should be discouraged to attend funeral homes Westmont, PA, and if they have to, special arrangements should be made for senior citizens.

Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

146 Chandler Ave | Johnstown, PA 15906
Phone: (814) 536-1770 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
William T. Hindman, Supv.

Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

1521 Frankstown Rd | Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone: (814) 535-4018 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
William T. Hindman III, Supv.

Easly-Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

333 Beaver St | Hastings, PA 16646
Phone: (814) 247-6544 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
Courtney L. Meyer, Supv.

Moskal-Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

146 Chandler Avenue| Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone: (814) 536-1212 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
Frank Barta, Supv.

Contact Information
Hindman Funeral Homes & Crematory, Inc.