Letting a loved one go forever and searching for Westmont funeral home, is one of the most depressing experiences of life. During such overwhelming times, the ability to make conscientious decisions is clouded and families are caught off-guard by the dozens of tasks pertaining to a funeral that must be completed in a day or two of the beloved’s death.
Unlike other events, a funeral requires making a lot of decisions instantly. Only 26% of Americans talk about the funeral in their lives with friends or family, so they don’t know the exact tasks involved in a funeral. Additionally, your family is suffering from devastating pain and stress due to the loss of the loved one, which further renders it difficult to make perfect arrangements.
That’s why it is recommended to make advance funeral plans to relieve your dear left ones of extra financial and mental stress.
Below are universal funeral planning tasks that you ought to take into consideration while pre-planning a funeral.
Prepare a Guest List
Firstly, make a list of everyone likely to be invited to the funeral. It not only includes guests but all the contractors and sub-contractors including clergy, pastors, singers, musicians, catering services, pallbearers, members of religious organizations, florists, etc.
Prepare Necessary Paperwork
The funeral comes with cumbersome paperwork in the form of legal documentation. It includes vital records and statistics such as death certificates, social security reporting, burial permits, insurance claims, etc. Also, you may require to hand in information regarding investment, retirement accounts, marriage certificates, etc. During emotionally depressed times, you can’t put extra stress onto your family in the form of filling in these forms. Instead, make sure all the paperwork is prepared and available quickly.
Focus on Important Aspects
Make sure you gather the relevant details and finalize the decision on important funeral tasks like:
- Sourcing a suitable funeral venue
- Finding the tombstone of your choice
- The choice between direct burial or cremation
- Finding a coffin and coffin bearers
- Logistics involved in the burial or cremation process
Make Advance Payments
Funerals can be pricey. But the price can vary significantly depending on the decisions you make pertaining to funeral services. It is advisable to pay in advance for services like a funeral house, singers, catering, burial costs, coffin expenses, etc. By paying the amount in advance, you remove or minimize the financial burden on your family – as many issues or disagreements often emerge within the family over the arrangements or sharing of the financial burden.
Finalize Preferences for the Funeral Services
To complete your preplanned funeral, get the necessary information for your viewing and funeral service preferences. Funeral directors and professionals can explain to you the nuts and bolts of each decision you have to make including services like transportation needs and service locations, members of religious clergy you want to be part of your funeral, or any favorite band or music you want to be played at your funeral.
Preplanning allows you to arrange everything according to your wishes and instructions and ensure all matters pertaining to services and practicalities relating to funeral homes Westmont, are taken care of.