Losing a loved one and planning cremation services Johnstown, PA, is the most depressing phase of life, particularly for children. Whether the deceased is a parent, grandparent, friend, classmate, or a close family member, the grieving process is difficult for every child. They can get carried away by the strong emotional pain and mental stress and it has a significant effect on their education and family life.
That’s why parents, caretakers, or educators must find solutions that can help children overcome the grief and pain from the death of a loved one.
Each child copes with the grief in different ways depending on his age and development, and attachment with the deceased, but there are some universally recommended guidelines to help the youngest members of the family cope with the loss of a beloved.
Encourage them to Express Feelings
The first thing you ought to do as the caretaker of the child is to encourage them to open up about their feelings and emotions. Never try to shelter a child by asking them to hide their feelings. Hiding the feelings make them sadder and more depressed.
You should discuss your feelings with them. It gives them comfort and strength to battle their grief and emotional pain, but don’t let your child see you at your depressing and upset moments – as they may feel vulnerable and insecure.
Avoid Euphemisms
Never use cliches like, ‘we lost her’, ‘she left us forever’, or ‘he is passed away’. Such euphemisms leave them anxious, depressed, scared, and more vulnerable. So, it is better to give them courage and support and slowly make them believe that death is a reality and the deceased will never come back; it’s time to move on with their lives.
Be Their Friend
You have to follow the lead of children and become their friend. Make them feel you are their friend and treat them as little buddies. Young children are curious and ask many questions, don’t get irritated on that. Instead, answer their queries, play with them, and never leave them alone – as children get more depressed and vulnerable when they are left alone or ignored by the family.
Indulge Them in Healthy Activities
Indulge them in activities that give them happiness and pleasure. It will help them take their mind off what happened and get back normal. Playing sports, regular exercise, and keeping them in the company of friends will accelerate the healing process.
Provide Comfort
You should listen to children and give them comfort. Children are sensitive and each behaves and reacts differently to the grief of a loved one. Many don’t even react openly at all. Give them hugs and spend as much time with them as possible. Be ready to answer their questions in a friendly and satisfying manner.
Letting go of a loved one is a moment of overwhelming pain and stress, particularly for the youngest members of the family who have never experienced such situations. Parents should give them extra care and follow the above guidelines to help them cope with the grief.