At funeral homes Johnstown, PA, you can plan a fitting memorial service for your loved one. Gone are the days when traditional burial was the go-to disposition type for most families. Now, people are exploring more flexible yet eco-friendly options to bury lost loved ones.
Here are some popular burial types in 2022 that you should know about:
- In-Ground Burial
- Above Ground Burial – Public or Private Mausoleum
- Cremation
- Natural Burial
Let us take a quick look at these funeral types.
In-Ground Burial
It is exactly as it sounds. The deceased’s body is placed in a casket and subsequently put into a vault or other burial container and lower into the ground. The casket as usual is made of steel or concrete.
After the burial, a gravestone engraved with an epigraph is typically placed at the gravesite which serves as a memorial.
Above Ground Burial
In this type, the body is placed in a casket but instead of burying it under the soil, the casket is preserved in a public or private mausoleum or lawn crypt. Choosing either mausoleum or lawn crypt as the resting place depends on the family’s preferences.
The big difference between a mausoleum and a lawn crypt is that whereas the former is a building that families may enter, the latter is an underground structure. Note that a lawn crypt also allows two bodies to be buried in the same place.
Cremation is the final disposition of a deceased body through burning. The last few years have witnessed a remarkable increase in the popularity of direct cremation funerals. Not only is it less expensive than traditional burials but also gives more flexibility to the families to honor the deceased.
However, the religious factor comes into play in cremation families. While Hindus are obligated to cremate the body, this practice is considered prohibited in Muslim and conservative Jewish traditions.
In any case, cremation can be a great option for those who wish to take part in a scattering of ashes. Not to mention, direct cremation is the most cost-effective funeral type.
Natural Burial
With the increase in environmental consciousness among people, natural burials have become a go-to alternative to traditional burials. It is a great option for people who wish to pursue an eco-friendly funeral.
Unlike traditional burial, it process does not use embalming fluid, a casket, or a vault. It instead allows a body to decompose naturally into the earth. This also preserves wildlife aside from saving invaluable natural resources.
Which Funeral Type is Right for You?
A lot many factors come into play when choosing the right type of funeral for yourself or a loved one. Here are some important considerations:
- Any cultural or religious factors
- Personal wishes or preferences
- How much you’re willing to spend.
After making a choice, you have to make the below decisions:
- Should there be a religious reading at the funeral?
- Where should the funeral take place?
- Who should read a eulogy?
- Who should attend the funeral?
- How should attendees dress for the funeral?
- When should I host the ceremony?
You can discuss your options at funeral homes Johnstown, PA.