Attending a funeral service at funeral homes Johnstown, PA always accompanies mixed emotions. The pain of acknowledging that the departed soul has left forever can be overwhelming. And even more importantly, not knowing how to be on your best behavior at a funeral can add to your emotions.

Unsurprisingly, many people have little to no idea about what is or isn’t deemed appropriate behavior at a funeral service – especially for first-time visitors. Given this, we have outlined a few simple tips on the best funeral etiquette.

Give it a read:

1. What to Wear

Some families may ask the guests to wear the deceased’s favorite color or any special outfit as a tribute to them. If ever in doubt, opting for a modest outfit in simple or dark colors is your best bet.

It’s too necessary to always dress in black for a funeral event. You can wear anything as long as it’s not too shiny, casual, or exposing – as it garners the unnecessary attention of other guests. But whatever you wear should be clean, presentable, and appropriate for the tone of the funeral set by the venue.

For females, a modest dress or pair of pants and a blouse, in dark or demure colors can be a good choice. Never wear anything flashy or glittery or garish. You’re not making any fashion statement.

2. What to Say

Many people shy away from approaching the bereaved and offering their condolences. The reason, they don’t know what to say to make the grieving person feel better.

But it’s crucial to show support through your words. Saying something simple like ‘I’m so sorry’ with a reassuring hug, may be all that you need to do. Say anything you want but be sure your words are heartfelt and comforting.

Avoid saying something that may sound hollow and insincere like “he’s in a better place right now.”

3. Don’t Take Photos Unless Asked

Taking selfies and photos during the service is not appropriate. It is considered disrespectful to the grieving family as well as the guests. But if the family specifically requests you to capture some memorable moments, step up and do it.

4. Where to Sit

Remember that the front rows are generally meant for immediate family members and inner-circle friends. If you are not a close friend or relative of the deceased, you should choose a seat towards the back of the venue.

Also, if you arrive late at the event, don’t jump past the guests. It gathers the unnecessary attention of the attendees. Sit anywhere you find a spot.

funeral homes Johnstown, PA5. Children at the Funeral

It’s best to have babies and young children minded so they do not attend the funeral. But if you have to take them anyway, especially if they are close family or friends of the deceased, be sure to tell them beforehand what they might expect.

Never force them to view a deceased or participate when they are otherwise uncomfortable. Above all, don’t let children be disruptive or interrupt proceedings.

Hopefully, this article has helped you plan for your experience at funeral homes Johnstown, PA.

Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

146 Chandler Ave | Johnstown, PA 15906
Phone: (814) 536-1770 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
William T. Hindman, Supv.

Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

1521 Frankstown Rd | Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone: (814) 535-4018 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
William T. Hindman III, Supv.

Easly-Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

333 Beaver St | Hastings, PA 16646
Phone: (814) 247-6544 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
Courtney L. Meyer, Supv.

Moskal-Hindman Funeral Homes
& Crematory, Inc.

146 Chandler Avenue| Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone: (814) 536-1212 | Toll Free: 877-549-7514
Frank Barta, Supv.

Contact Information
Hindman Funeral Homes & Crematory, Inc.